A Complete Guide on Risk Management at Chemical Plants

HomeBlogsA Complete Guide on Risk Management at Chemical Plants
- Team Kiri Align
27 Jan 2021

Construction sites and workplaces are susceptible to hazards on several parameters. Hence these places must have contingencies to cater to emergencies. A site risk management plan is required to identify potential threats and eliminate the causality by implementing effective control methods.

Risk management helps to identify hazardous situations and factors that can result in an undesirable outcome like a structural failure, oil spills, fires and much more.

A chemical plant is one of the industries that requires a chemical risk assessment strategy and execution plan. Dealing with various equipment and unstable chemical components requires proper monitoring and risk assessment to categorise the chemical plant's vulnerabilities.

Workers and other persons are also liable for their safety, but with a proactive chemical risk assessment, the workers can be trained and prepared to act reasonably in case of an emergency.

Risk Management At Chemical Plants

Safety Guide

An Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) management system is a compilation of procedures and plans that are set in motion to minimise casualties. Effective risk management involves 4 crucial steps from the OHS management system.

     1. Hazard Identification

                     It is done to identify if any situation might result in danger in the chemical plant risk assessment. Some common factors that can cause workplace                      hazards are machinery and equipment, electric connections, noise and radiation.

      2. Risk Assessment

                     Finding out the desirable outcomes of the hazard. Risk assessment can be made under several conditions depending on the information and resources                      available; it can be gathered by interacting with fellow workers or taking input from safety professionals.

      3. Control

                     Preventive measures are taken to reduce the loss of life and property. Eliminating risks is not possible in some cases but reducing the risk is effective. It                      mainly depends on the problem and the approach towards solving it. Some cases require minimal effort, but there is a need for expert supervision and                      highly practised preventive measures in chemical plants.

      4. Review

                     Intensive evaluation of the plans and strategy to ensure all hazards are accounted for. OHS management systems consider it essential to review the risks                      and change them if there is room for failure.

Site Risk Assessments

Many organisations and industries have introduced OHS management systems to ensure safety on the site. To keep track of jobs and risks, a document is generated, ensuring that the tasks are done, are in control and can be supervised.

This document will have a checklist of all the site’s weak points, and employers can take care of their employees responsibly.

Hazard characterisation Human health Adverse effects Environmental impact Risk characterisation

Mock runs and effective plans are implemented to avoid such hazardous situations; the following checklist helps maintain the degree of liability that a specific part of the working site has. The list would include the measures to minimise the risk and persons responsible for taking immediate action.

This structure of responsibility and order brings proper control and creates a hassle-free process.

Checklist Responsible authority Safety rating (5 to 1; 5 being the highest safety)
Freshwater surface

Chemical treated water


Air filtration and contamination

An effective, digital OHS management system can help you abide by Chain of Responsibility (COR)laws, prevent hazards, improve workplace safety and build a safety culture among workers.

Published by: Kiri Align