How to Report Hazards or Near-Miss

  • Learn how to report a hazard or near-miss in Kiri Align to avoid it before it turns into an incident and causes injuries at your workplace.

    A hazard/near-miss is an agent that is likely to cause an accident at the workplace. Hazards can be both natural or human induced.
    Click on the ‘Add New Hazards/Near-Miss’ button at the right to report a new hazard/near-miss.
    Digital Reporting Hazards/Near-miss at Work - Kiri Align
  • Add details and select the ‘Hazard Type’ in the dropdown.
    Hazards/Near-miss Accidents at Work - Kiri Align
  • Fill in the ‘Description of Hazard’ and suggest ‘Control Measures’ for the hazard/near-miss that you’re reporting and click ‘Save.’
  • You can also add evidence for the hazard/near-miss by clicking on the ‘Choose File’ button or by dragging and dropping files.
  • Click the ‘Save’ button to save the hazard/near-miss.
    Note: You can view and edit the details about the saved hazards/near-misses later.

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